COVID-19 Updates And Receipt Delays
As the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic continually changes, the University of Saskatchewan is taking steps to help limit community spread. All university buildings are closed and staff are working from home, so you may experience a delay in receiving your donation tax receipt. We appreciate your understanding during this time. For the latest developments and information about the University of Saskatchewan's response to COVID-19, please go to
Should you have any questions please contact us at:
University Relations
(306) 966-5186
1-800-699-1907 (toll-free)
Select your preferred method for making a gift to the University of Saskatchewan.
You may make a gift online to the University of Saskatchewan using a credit card on our secure online giving form.
To make a credit card contribution or give in instalments by phone please call University Relations
- 1-800-699-1907 (Toll Free)
- (306) 966-5186
To mail us a gift or give in installments, please complete our donation form and mail it along with your credit card information or cheque to:
University Relations
University of Saskatchewan
G16 Thorvaldson Building
110 Science Place
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 1K2